Friday, 6 June 2014

SBI Associate Bank Headquarters Slogans

SBI Associate Bank Headquarters and Slogans

Updated on : june 6 ,2014

SBI have five associated banks in India all these are using the same logo of a blue circle and all the associates use the "State Bank of " name followed by the regional headquarters name.Earlier SBI had only seven associate banks that forms the club of the State Bank Group.So originally the then 7 banks that belongs to princely states until the government of India nationalised them between October 1959 and May 1960.In connection with the first five year plan which emphasising the development of rural India,the government then integrated these banks into the State Bank of India to expand its rural out reach.There has been a proposal to merge all the associate banks into SBI to create a "Mega Bank" and streamline operations.       
The first step to wards unification accured on August 13,2008 when State Bank of Saurashtra merged with SBI reducing the number of State Banks from 7 to 6.Then on June 19,2009 the SBI board approved the merger of its subsidiary,State Bank of Indore with itself,finally reducing the number to 5,with the acquisition of State Bank of Indore added 470 branches to SBI's.The process of merging of State Bank of Indore was completed by april 2010 and SBI Indore branches started functioning as SBI brances on August 26,2010.

Name of Bank -- Head office -- Slogan

State Bank of India -- Mumbai -- With you all the way

State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur -- Jaipur -- The Bank with a vision

State Bank of Hyderabad -- Hyderabad -- Modern,Innovative,Dependable

State Bank of Mysore -- Bengalooru -- Working for a better tomorrow
State Bank of Patiala -- Patiala -- Blending modernity with tradition

State Bank of Travancore -- Thiruvananthapuram -- A learning tradition of trust

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