Friday, 19 December 2014

TGT PGT Form Correction In Uttar Pradesh 2014

TGT PGT Form Correction In Uttar Pradesh 2014

According to advertisement number 1-1/2013 Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board had invited offline application for 6000 TGT/PGT grade teacher job back in the year 2013 and is going to conduct the examination from the last weak of January 2014.So for the convenience of student the board had open a online portal to check the personal information that was filled by the candidate in the form and if any thing is missed or entered wrong that they can make the online correction as per the instruction given on the site itself.

It is a very good start by the board and if some form is rejected then can see the reason of the form rejection too on the site.

Click the link below in order to check your form details and make amend if needed

TGT PGT Form Correction In Uttar Pradesh 2014 at


  1. i can't view my detail

    1. hi, respected sir / madam kindly share your details so that we can help you in viewing your forms details, it would be my pleasure to help you . thank you

  2. I could not attached the photo with my application form. Is it possible to submit my photo so that I can get the admit card and attend the Examination of TGT.

    1. Hi, don't worry dharmendra singh jee your form will not get rejected as per new G.O and you can give your exam with out any problem so just wait for your call letter and good luck for your exam. thankyou

    2. Amit sir,i have same problem but i can see rejection cause no photo on my form online but i was attached the photo now what should i do?

  3. Hello sir,
    When i was check my form detail then i found rejection cause for no photo,but i was attached my photo very well.there was no option to upload photo what can i do it possible that i can attend exam.....plz help me ouy sir.....

    1. Hi, rafi faruqui sir , i understand your problem so you too just relax if because recently government had issued a notification that all those candidate who forms are rejected can also give the exam , so i personally request you to keep all your personal information safe as mentioned in the exam so that it can be useful to you in future . any way good luck to you for your exam . thank you

    2. Thanx a lot sir for giving me a peacefull solution....
