Thursday, 31 July 2014

MCQ GK Current Affairs On 31 July 2014


1. Which Indian IFS officer has been appointed as the new Private Secretary (PS) to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and will succeed Vikram Misri, who is going to Spain as Ambassador from India. ?
(A) Hardeep Singh
(B) Sanjeev Kumar Singla
(C) S. Suresh Kumar
(D) Dharmendra Gaura
(E) Non of these

2. According to the latest data released by the National Health Survey people of which age group are most vulnerable to commit suicide in India as this age period is the most stressful period in the life of most people more ever in the year 2012, 1,899 people committed suicide in Delhi due to various reasons and out of them 1,030 were in this age group of ?
(A) 15-29 years
(B) 16-30 years
(C) 17-31 years
(D) 18-32 years
(E) Non of these

3. Indian government has cleared a defence procurement budget of how much worth and also okayed a project for the production of transport aircraft and the tender for which is open only to Indian private sector companies ?
(A) Rs 19,000 crore
(B) Rs 22,000 crore
(C) Rs 21,000 crore
(D) Rs 22,000 crore
(E) Non of these

4. In order to strengthen the electricity conditions in Uttar Pradesh the chief secretary AlokRanjan has issued directions for arrangement of required transformers and other necessary equipment needed, with immediate effect and CS also issued orders for the electrification of how many habitations in the state by September 2016 ?
(A) 1.45 lakh habitations
(B) 1.55 lakh habitations
(C) 1.65 lakh habitations
(D) 1.75 lakh habitations
(E) Non of these

5. In an amazing news the world's longest poop of an unidentified dinosaur is set to go up for auction in Los Angeles July 22 and is expected to fetch how many dollar, imagine how much your poop can fetch !
(A) $7,000-$9,000
(B) $8,000-$10,000
(C) $9,000-$11,000
(D) $10,000-$12,000
(E) Non of these

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