Banking and Finance terms abbreviations
Banking and Finance terms abbreviations
1. ACF ..............Auto-Correlation Function
2. AD ................Authorized Dealer
3. ADB ..............Asian Development Bank
4. ADR .............American Depository Receipt
5. AFS ..............Annual Financial Statement
6. AGM .............Annual General Meeting
7. AIRCSC .......All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
8. AO ................Additive Outliers
9. AR ................Auto Regression
10. ARIMA ..........Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average
11. AFS ..............Available For Sale
12. ASSOCHAM........ Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
13. ATM..............Asynchronous Transfer Mode
14. ATM..............Automated Teller Machine
15. BIS ...............Bank for International Settlements
16. BOI ...............Bank of India
17. BoP ..............Balance of Payments
18. BPM5 ...........Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition
19. BPSD ...........Balance of Payments Division, DESACS, RBI
20. BSCS ...........Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
21. BSR..............Basic Statistical Returns
22. CAD .............Capital Account Deficit
23. CAG .............Controller and Auditor General of India
24. CBS ..............Consolidated Banking Statistics
25. CC ................Cash Credit
26. CD ................Certificate of Deposit
27. CD ................Ratio Credit Deposit Ratio
28. CDBS ...........Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics
29. CF ................Company Finance
30. CFRA ...........Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
31. CGRA ...........Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
32. CII ................Confederation of Indian Industries
33. CO................Capital Outlay
34. CP ................Commercial Paper
35. CPI ...............Consumer Price Index
36. CPI-IW .........Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
37. CR ................Capital Receipts
38. CRAR ...........Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
39. CRR .............Cash Reserve Ratio
40. CSIR ............Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
41. CSO .............Central Statistical Organisation
42. CVC .............Central Vigilance Commission
43. DAP ..............Development Action Plan
44. DBOD...........Department of Banking Operations and Development
45. DBS ..............Department of Banking Supervision, RBI
46. DCA.............. Ministry of Companies Affairs
47. DCB .............Demand Collection and Balance
48. DCCB ...........District Central Cooperative Bank
49. DCM .............Department of Currency Management, RBI
50. DD ................Demand Draft
51. DDS .............Data Dissemination Standards
52. DEIO ............Department of External Investments and Operations
53. DESACS ......Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services, RBI
54. DGBA ...........Department of Government and Bank Accounts, RBI
55. DGCI&S .......Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
56. DI .................Direct Investment
57. DICGC .........Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
58. DID ...............Discharge of Internal Debt
59. DMA .............Departmentalized Ministries Account
60. DRI ...............Differential Rate of Interest Scheme
61. DSBB ...........Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
62. DVP ..............Delivery versus Payment
63. ECB ..............External Commercial Borrowing
64. ECB ..............European Central Bank
65. ECGC...........Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
66. ECS ..............Electronic Clearing Scheme
67. EDMU ..........External Debt Management Unit
68. EEA ..............Exchange Equalization Account
69. EEC..............European Economic Community
70. EEFC ...........Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
71. EFR ..............Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
72. EPF ..............Employees Provident Fund
73. EUR .............Euro
74. EXIM Bank ...Export Import Bank of India
75. FCA ..............Foreign Currency Assets
76. FCCB ...........Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
77. FCNR(B) ......Foreign Currency Non-resident (Banks)
78. FCNRA .........Foreign Currency Non-resident Account
79. FCNRD ........Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit
80. FDI ...............Foreign Direct Investment
81. FEMA ...........Foreign Exchange Management Act
82. FI ..................Financial Institution
83. FICCI ............Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
84. FII ................. Foreign Institutional Investor
85. FIMMDA .......Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
86. FISIM ...........Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
87. FLAS ............Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey
88. FOF ..............Flow Of Funds
89. FPI ...............Foreign Portfolio Investment
90. FRA ..............Forward Rate Agreement
91. FRBM ...........Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
92. FRN..............Floating Rate Note
93. FSS ..............Farmers Service Societies
94. FWG.............First Working Group on Money supply
95. GDP .............Gross Domestic Product
96. GDR .............Global Depository Receipt
97. GFD .............Gross Fiscal Deficit
98. GFS ..............Government Finance Statistics
99. GIC...............General Insurance Corporation
100. GLS ..............Generalized Least Squares
101. GNIE ............Government Not Included Elsewhere
102. GoI ...............Government of India
103. GPD .............Gross Primary Deficit
104. G-Sec ...........Government Securities
105. HDFC ...........Housing Development Finance Corporation
106. HFT ..............Held For Trading
107. HICP.............Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
108. HO................Head Office
109. HUDCO ........Housing & Urban Development Corporation
110. IBRD ............ International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
111. IBS ............... International Banking Statistics
112. ICAR ............ Indian Council of Agricultural Research
113. ICICI ............. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
114. ICMR ............ Indian Council of Medical Research
115. IDB ............... India Development Bonds
116. IDBI .............. Industrial Development Bank of India
117. IDD ............... Industrial Development Department
118. IFAD ............. International Fund for Agricultural Development
119. IFC ............... International Finance Corporation
120. IFC(W) ......... International Finance Corporation (Washington)
121. IFCI .............. Industrial Finance Corporation of India
122. IFR ............... Investment Fluctuation Reserve Account
123. IFS ............... International Financial Statistics
124. IGLS ............. Iterative Generalized Least Squares
125. IIBI ................ Industrial Investment Bank of India
126. IIP ................. Index of Industrial Production
127. IIP/InIP ......... International Investment Position
128. IMD .............. India Millennium Deposits
129. IMF ............... International Monetary Fund In India
130. INR ............... Indian Rupee
131. IOTT ............. Input-Output Transaction Table
132. IP .................. Interest Payment
133. IRBI .............. Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
134. ISDA ............. International Swaps and Derivative Association
135. ISIC .............. International Standard Industrial Classification
136. ISO ............... International Standards Organization
137. ITRS ............. International Transaction Reporting System
138. IWGEDS ...... International Working Group on External Debt Statistics
139. KVIC............. Khadi & Village Industries Corporation
140. LAF .............. Liquidity Adjustment Facility
141. LAMPS ......... Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
142. LAS .............. Loan & Advances by States
143. LBD .............. Land Development Bank
144. LBS .............. Locational Banking Statistics
145. LERMS......... Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
146. LIC ............... Life Insurance Corporation of India
147. LS ................. Level Shift
148. LT ................. Long Term
149. LTO .............. Long Term Operation
150. M1 ................Narrow Money
151. M3 ................Broad Money
152. MA ................Moving Average
153. MCA .............Ministry of Company Affairs
154. MIGA ............Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
155. MIS ...............Management Information System
156. MMSE ..........Minimum Mean Squared Errors
157. MoF ..............Ministry of Finance
158. MOF .............Master Office File
159. MRM ............Monitoring and Review Mechanism
160. MSS .............Market Stabilisation Scheme
161. MT ................Mail Transfer
162. MTM .............Mark-To-Market
163. NABARD ......National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
164. NAC(LTO) ....National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operatiion)
165. NAIO ............Non Administratively Independent Officeh
166. NAS ..............National Account Statistics
167. NASSCOM ...National Association of Software and Services Companies
168. NBC .............Non-Banking Companies
169. NBFC ...........Non Banking Financial Companies
170. NEC .............Not Elsewhere Classified
171. NEER ...........Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
172. NFA ..............Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
173. NFD..............Net Fiscal Deficit
174. NGO .............Non-Governmental Organization
175. NHB .............National Housing Bank
176. NIC ...............National Industrial Classification
177. NIF ...............Note Issuance Facility
178. NNML ...........Net Non-Monetary Liabilities
179. NPA ..............Non-Performing Assets
180. NPD .............Net Primary Deficit
181. NPRB ...........Net Primary Revenue Balance
182. NPV ..............Net Present Value
183. NR(E)RA ......Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
184. NR(NR)RA ...Non-Resident (Non-Repatriable) Rupee Account
185. NRE .............Non-Resident External
186. NRG .............Non-Resident Government
187. NRI ...............Non-Resident Indian
188. NSC .............National Statistical Commission
189. NSSF ...........National Small Savings Fund OD Over Draft
190. ODA .............Official Development Assistance
191. OECD...........Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
192. OECO ..........Organisaton for Economic Cooperation
193. OFI ...............Other Financial Institutions
194. OLTAS ..........OnLine Tax Accounting System
195. OMO ............Open Market Operations
196. OSCB ...........Other Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank
197. PACF ............Partial Auto-Correlation Function
198. PACS............Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
199. PCARDB ......Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
200. PD ................Primary Deficit
201. PDAI .............Primary Dealers Association of India
202. PDO .............Public Debt Office
203. PDO-NDS ..Public Debt Office-cum-Negotiated Dealing System
204. PDs ..............Primary Dealers
205. PES ..............Public Enterprises Survey
206. PF ................Provident Fund
207. PIO ...............Persons of Indian Origin
208. PNB ..............Punjab National bank
209. PO ................Principal Office
210. PRB ..............Primary Revenue Balance
211. PSE ..............Public Sector Enterprises
212. PUC .............Paid Up Capital
213. PC ......... Printing Code
214. P&L .......... Profit and Loss
215. P/E ........... Price/Earnings
216. PAS ..........Public Address System
217. PB .............. Planters Bank
218. PN ........... Promissory Note
219. PO ........... Probationary Officer
220. PO ......... Purchase Order
221. PI ........... Penal Interest
222. PIFI ......Pensions, Insurance, and Financial Institutions
223. PLAR ........Prudential Liquidity Assessment Review
224. PS ...........Priority Sector
225. PSB ...........Public Sector Banks
226. PSU .............Public Sector Unit
227. POMO ...........Permanent Open Market Operations
228. POS ............Point of Sales
229. POS ..........Point of Services
230. PQA .........Professional Qualification Allowance
231. PS ..............Preference Shares
232. PVI ..........Primary Variable of Interest
233. Pvt .........Private
234. QRR .............Quick Review Report
235. RBI ...............Reserve Bank of India
236. RD ................Revenue Deficit
237. RDBMS ........Relational Database Management System
238. RE ................Revenue Expenditure
239. REC .............Rural Electrification Corporation
240. REER ...........Real Effective Exchange Rate
241. RFC..............Residents Foreign Currency
242. RIB ...............Resurgent India Bonds
243. RIDF .............Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
244. RLA ..............Recoveries of Loans & Advances
245. RLC ..............Repayment of Loans to Centre
246. RMB .............Renminbi (Chinese)
247. RNBC ...........Residuary Non-Banking Companies
248. RO................Regional Office
249. RoCs ............Registrars of Companies
250. RPA ..............Rupee Payment Area
251. RPCD ...........Rural Planning and Credit Department, RBI
252. RR ................Revenue Receipts
253. RRB .............Regional Rural Bank
254. RTP ..............Reserve Tranche Position
255. RUF ..............Revolving Underwriting Facility
256. RWA .............Risk Weighted Asset
257. SAM .............Social Accounting Matrix
258. SAS ..............Statistical Analysis System
259. SBI ...............State Bank of India
260. SC ................Schedule Caste
261. SCARDB ......State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
262. SCB ..............State Cooperative Bank
263. SCB ..............Scheduled Commercial Bank
264. SCS ..............Size Class Strata
265. SDDS ...........Special Data Dissemination Standards
266. SDR .............Special Drawing Right
267. SEBI .............Securities and Exchange Board of India
268. SEBs ............State Electricity Boards
269. SFC ..............State Financial Corporation
270. SGL ..............Subsidiary General Ledger
271. SGSY ...........Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarrojgar Yojana
272. SHGs ...........Self-Help Groups
273. SIDBI ............Small Industries Development Bank of India
274. SIDC ............State Industrial Development Corporation
275. SI-SPA ..........Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture
276. SJSRY..........Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
277. SLR ..............Statutory Liquidity Ratio
278. SLRS ............Scheme for Liberation & Rehabilitation of Scavangers
279. SMG .............Standing Monitoring Group
280. SNA ..............System of National Accounts
281. SRWTO........Small road & Water Transport Operators
282. SSI ...............Small-Scale Industries
283. SSSBEs .......Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises
284. ST.................Schedule Tribe
285. SWG ............Second Working Group on Money Supply
286. TBs ...............Treasury Bills
287. TC ................Temporary Change
288. TT .................Telegraphic Transfer
289. UBB ..............Uniform Balance Book
290. UBD .............Urban Banks Department
291. UCB .............Urban Cooperative Bank
292. UCN .............Uniform Code Number
293. US ................United States
294. USD .............US Dollars
295. UTI ...............Unit Trust of India
296. VC ................Venture Capital
297. WGMS .........Working Group on Money Supply: Analytics and Methodology of Compilation
298. WPI ..............Wholesale Price Index
299. WSS .............Weekly Statistical Supplement
300. YTM .............Yield to Maturity
301. ZO ................Zonal Office
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